Roberto Nuti Group introduces the first project related to environmental sustainability, with the goal of reducing the use of plastic in the RNB companies.
For this purpose we gift our employees and customers a SABO-MUPO branded water bottle, in order to reduce the use of plastic and spread an eco-sustainable culture.
A symbolic but concrete act to raise awareness on the elimination of plastic thus encouraging eco-friendly materials. In fact plastic is among the most contaminant materials: it takes 5000 years to decompose and it is the main cause of the contamination in rivers, lakes and oceans.
Instead of buying a disposable water bottle, refilling every day the RNB-Bottle means saving the release of a massive quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere. In fact, producing a single-use plastic bottle involves an impressive emission of CO2. We cannot improve this system by ourselves but together we can help a lot our planet. The Roberto Nuti Group operates in compliance with the current safety measures for our environment and at the same time, we continuously try to improve our performance in order to guarantee full customer satisfaction and of all interested parties.